A Home Business is the Best Way to make extra money

These days many people want to supplement their incomes from home. So they often join programs that promise lots of cash for little work. Needless to say, many of these "business opportunities" are outright scams. 

Even if they are genuine there's a downside: People who sign up to them do a lot of work for someone else. And if these companies do cease operations, as many eventually do, members are left with nothing. They have to start again from scratch. 

So, in my opinion, it's a much better approach to offer a product or service yourself -- that is, to create your own home or small business. Do this and you'll make more money in the long run. You'll also have control over the whole operation -- a good feeling.

A Website is vital. You can build and market it yourself

If you do intend to do this, having a web presence to market your product or service online is vital. You may assume you have to pay "experts" who know about all that "geeky stuff" to do this for you. But it doesn't have to be like that.

If you have enough computer knowledge to write and send an e-mail then you can build your own free or low cost website (with blog) and promote it yourself using Facebook, Twitter and similar sites. (Sure, you'll have to muddle through some stuff. But the process is much more straightforward than most people think.)

Yes, this takes a while. But if you have a passion for what you're promoting (aside from just the desire to profit from it) and you enjoy communicating with others you can get there, I can assure you.

I can help you get started with private lessons

I can show you what you'll need to do to get moving in the right direction with online promotion.  I charge $35 per hour for private lessons in front of an online computer. I can come to your home or office to do this. (Details of business registration, insurance and other legal aspects are not my forte.  I urge you to seek expert advice on these elsewhere.)

Of course digital marketing is a huge subject so I can only outline the process. But with an awareness of what lies ahead you can start moving in the right direction, avoid potential pitfalls, and start earning money quicker. 

Given that people have different aims and interests I always like to have a chat on the phone in advance to ascertain whether I can actually help, and if so, how. So please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more